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Zanteka Colston (#76501)

 Hello, my name is Zanteka Colston, and I joined this business for an additional stream of income. However, in May of 2021 I was let go from my full-time job and  this was my only income until recently.  Paparazzi was great in supplementing my income  It had been a sustainer for me after losing a job after twenty years of employment. Paparazzi has allowed me to cover the cost for extracurricular activities for my kids, it has been my mental escape in some of my darkest moments and it will one day be what makes me a MILLIONAIRE. Paparazzi has been many things for me, what can it do for you? Shop my website or join my team. You can be a sower into me and my business or join and write your own story. I'm Zanteka Colston, wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur and future MILLIONAIRE.  Thanks for supporting! Click on join my team today.

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